Sobota z cytatami (odc.276)

maja 11, 2019

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Dzisiaj cytat z filmu, w którym zagrał Jack Nicholson „Pięć łatwych utworów” dzieła Terrence Malicka „Niebiańskie dni” oraz francuskiego dramatu „Do utraty tchu”

Rebeka (1940, reż. Alfred Hitchcock)
He had a theory that if you should find one perfect thing, or place or person, you should stick to it. Do you think that's very silly? No, i'm a firm believer in that myself.

Laura (1944, reż. Otto Preminger)
Love is eternal. It has been the strongest motivation for human actions throughout history. Love is stronger than life. It reaches beyond the dark shadow of death.

Zostaw ją niebiosom (1945, reż. John M. Stahl )
When I looked at you, exotic words drifted across the mirror of my mind like clouds across the summer sky.

Ostrze brzytwy (1946, reż. Edmund Goulding)
The enjoyment of art is the only remaining ecstasy that's neither immoral nor illegal.

Humoreska (1946, reż. Jean Negulesco)
It isn't what you are, it's what you don't become that hurts. Idealism is a luxury for the very young.

Ostatni brzeg (1958, reż. Russell Mulcahy)
The war started when people accepted the idiotic principle that peace could be maintained by arranging to defend themselves with weapons they couldn't possibly use without committing suicide.

Do utraty tchu (1960, reż, Jean-Luc Godard)
Because I want you to love me. But at the same time, I want you to stop loving me, I'm very independent, you know.

Na los szczęścia, Baltazarze (1966, reż. Robert Bresson)
It's not money I need, but a friend. A friend who can tell me how to run away. I've always wanted to. A friend to share my pleasures and pains.

Pięć łatwych utworów (1970, reż. Bob Rafelson)
You're a strange person, Robert. I mean, what will you come to? If a person has no love for himself, no respect for himself, no love of his friends, family, work, something - how can he ask for love in return? I mean, why should he ask for it?

Niebiańskie dni (1978, reż.  Terrence Malick)
I always thought that being alone was just something that a man had to put up with. It was like I just got used to it.
tłumaczenie: Agata (niebawem)
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