Sobota z cytatami (odc.313)

lutego 29, 2020

Jak zwykle w sobotę przed wami kolejna dawka filmowych cytatów.
Dzisiaj cytat z dzieła Davida Lyncha „Mulholland Drive”, dramatu psychologicznego opartego na książce Kena Keseya „Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem”, filmu, w którym niezapomniany duet stworzyli Bill Murray wraz z Scarlett Johansson „Między słowami” oraz kultowej produkcji lat 90' „Pulp Fiction".

Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem (1975, reż. Miloš Forman)
Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't stand it in this place here and you don't have the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it.

Czas apokalipsy (1979, reź. Francis Ford Coppola)
Well, he wasn't a bad officer, I guess. He loved his boys, and he felt safe with 'em. He was just one of those guys with that weird light around him. He just knew he wasn't gonna get so much as a scratch here.

Barton Fink (1991, reź.  Joel Coen, Ethan Coen)
We're only interested in one thing, Bart. Can you tell a story? Can you make us laugh? Can you make us cry? Can you make us want to break out in joyous song? Is that more than one thing? Okay!

Thelma i Louise (1991, reż, Ridley Scott)
You know, the one thing I can't figure out is whether these girls are real smart or just real, real lucky? Don't matter. Brains'll only get you so far and luck always runs out.

Gorzkie gody (1992, reż. Roman Polański)
Nothing ever surpass the rapture of that first awakening. I might have been Adam with the taste of apple fresh in my mouth. I was looking at all the beauty in the world embodied in a single female form and I knew, with sudden blinding certainty, this was IT!

Pulp Fiction (1994, reż. Quentin Tarantino)
f I’m curt with you it’s because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top… clean the f**king car.

Urodzeni mordercy (1994, reż. Oliver Stone)
It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder.

Magnolia  (1999, reż. Paul Thomas Anderson)
 know this sounds silly, like this is the scene in the movie where the guy's trying to get ahold of the long-lost son, you know, but this is that scene. And I think they have those scenes in movies because they're true, you know? Because they really happen. See, this is the scene in the movie where you help me out.

Mulholland Drive (2001, reż. David Lynch)
You're in both dreams and you're scared too. I get even more frightened when I see how afraid you are and then I realize what it is. There's a man... in back of this place. He's the one who's doing it. I can see him through the wall. I can see his face. I hope that I never see that face, ever, outside of a dream.

Między słowami (2003, reż. Sofia Coppola)
 It gets a whole lot more complicated when you have kids. It's scary. The most terrifying day of your life is the day the first one is born. Nobody ever tells you that. Your life, as you know it... is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk... and you want to be with them. And they turn out to be the most delightful people you will ever meet in your life.

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